Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited Achievements

11/02/2013 16:44
  1. "Robintex - Financial Mirror - Partex Business Awards 2006"

Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited was adjudged as the "Best Foreign Bank" in Bangladesh at the "Robintex - Financial Mirror - Partex Business Awards 2006".

  1. 'Best Performing Foreign bank' in Bangladesh - 2005

Bangladesh branch of Commercial Bank of Ceylon recently won the Financial News Services (FNS) Business Award 2005 for the 'Best Performing Foreign Bank' at a gala ceremony at the hotel Purbani on 4th December 2005.

  1. Arthakantha Business Award – 2004

Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd received the Business Award for 2004 - Banking sector awarded by the Arthakantha magazine in Bangladesh on May 20, 2005 at the Winter Garden of Dhaka Sheraton Hotel. Commercial Bank of Ceylon was chosen as the recipient of the award as a successful organization with high dynamism, global competitiveness and ethical standards who have made outstanding contribution to its respective sector.

  1. 'Best Foreign Bank' in Bangladesh - 2004

The Commercial Bank's Bangladesh branch has been adjudged the 'Best Foreign Bank' at the 'The Industry Business Awards 2004', held recently in Bangladesh organized by the Bangladesh's "Weekly Industry Magazine". The award was presented to Commercial Bank for its outstanding performance in providing banking services as well as the contribution made to the country's economy.

  1. AA from CRISL

Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited received a rating of AA from Credit Rating Information Services Limited (CRISL). It was the highest ever rating for any financial institution in Bangladesh.